Having had the good fortune to play polo in many clubs, both here in the UK and overseas I can honestly say that ‘Carlitos- Polo is one of the most welcoming and family friendly farms I have played at.
Within easy access from London ‘Carlitos’ not only offers good competitive – polo at good value, but remains unpretentious and is ideally suited to those of us with young families.
Weekend tournaments at ‘Carlitos’ cater to all levels and usually culminate after prize giving with a delicious alfresco outdoor asado where most recent games are enthusiastically replayed over a cold beer.
I would unreservedly recommend ‘Carlitos’ to anyone who wishes to play or learn to play polo in an environment and surrounded by people who play polo for the ‘love of the game’.
This is my third season at Carlitos’ and I can’t thank Carlitos and Kim enough for how they have improved my polo. Having played for four seasons I still hadn’t managed to progress above the bottom rung of the handicap ladder, eg -2!
After one season at Carlitos I was moved to minus one. And after the second, I am now a zero. This is largely thanks to the personal attention Carlitos has taken in my improvement and also the fact that I am able to stick and ball any time I like.
Carlitos genuinely loves the game; he wants people to improve and enjoys helping them to do so. Nothing is too much trouble for them and I would not hesitate in recommending the club.
Nicola Davidson
Mi verdadera introducion al Polo fue cuando conoci a Carlitos en 2009, aunque he montado toda mi vida a caballo, y habia empezado a intentar jugar un poco de polo, no tenia much idea la cantidad de adrenalina y control de lo que implicaba este juego. El primer anio Carlitos se aseguro de que entendiera lo basico sobre la dinamica del juego, y de que me divirtiera haciendolo. Lo cual no fue nada dificil, gracias a que el resto de la gente que juega en Carlitos White Waltham Polo club son apasionados del deporte, y muy amigables dispuestos a enseniarte cuando comentes un error.
Quizas lo que mas me convencio para convertirme en una fanatica del polo con Carlitos, fue el agradable ambiente que hay en el club, el tiempo que Carlitos dedica para asegurarse que progresemos en la parte tecnica, el nivel de torneos que varia dependiendo a lo que los miembros del grupo necesita, y el cuidado de los caballos.
Viendo 3 anios atras, desde que juego con Carlitos, puedo decir que he tenido una experiencia inolvidable, he progresado en mi Polo y tengo los mejores caballos para mi nivel, los cuales Carlitos se aseguro de que asi fuera.
Ana Escobedo

I came across Carlito shortly after my early months in polo, in fact whilst I could ride horses (just about), my riding was limited to walk, trot, canter.
Before meeting Carlito galloping on a horse wasn’t something I could do. So when I started polo, the others would accelerate past me and I’d be left at the back of the field just looking on.
I can remember Carlito encouraging and supporting me and having the patience to work with me to improve my riding skills. To help me learn to gallop flat out Carlito and one of his grooms would ride beside me. This definitely helped me get over my fear.
That was many years ago, and today I find myself playing as an amateur to quite a high standard. In hindsight I am surprised and pleased with the extent to which I’ve developed, much of which is down to Carlito and the time he dedicated to helping me improve. It’s not just about coaching, it’s the on-going support, the little things which add up; ultimately the small gains generate big steps.
Carlito will tailor his support to what you need. That could be a lot at first, then ongoing tips and advice when practicing and playing, how to ride better, how to position yourself better, moves to turn play in your favour. And whatever the advice, it’s always delivered with a smile.
Robert Tearle